All About Learning Press

All About Reading: Level 2

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What's Taught in Level 2

Your student will learn exciting new concepts, including three-letter blends, the jobs of Silent E, new phonograms, and methods for decoding multisyllable words – and continue to establish a firm foundation for a lifetime of learning. Every component of reading is taught: decoding (phonics and structural analysis), vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Below is a sampling in each area.

Decoding (Phonics)

  • Learn phonograms WH, EE, ER, AR, OR, ED, OY, OI, AW, AU, OW, and OU
  • Read words containing the new phonograms, such as whalesheepherdfarmhorntoyboilsawhaulflower, and found
  • Read words with long I or O before two consonants, as in find and gold
  • Read words with soft C, as in race
  • Read words with soft G, as in gem
  • Learn the first four jobs of Silent E

Decoding (Structural Analysis)

  • Identify base words
  • Read contractions, such as they’ll
  • Learn syllable division rules for reading multisyllable words
  • Read words with past tense ending ed, including all three sounds, as in wantedsnowed, and chipped


  • Discuss new words in the context of the story and one’s own life
  • Understand homophones
  • Understand synonyms and antonyms


  • Read with accuracy
  • Read with meaningful expression
  • Read with natural phrasing


  • Connect text to one's own experiences
  • Make predictions
  • Compare and contrast main characters
  • Skim for specific information
  • Make inferences from the text
  • Discuss character motivation, main conflict
  • Identify the main character


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