What's Taught in Level 4
Your student will learn exciting new concepts, including words with multiple suffixes, fifteen new phonograms, and methods for decoding multisyllable words – and continue to establish a firm foundation for a lifetime of learning. Every component of reading is taught: decoding (phonics and structural analysis), vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Below is a sampling in each area.
Decoding (Phonics)
- Learn phonograms EY, EAR, UI, IE, PH, GU, GN, AUGH, EI, OUGH, SI, MB, OUR, CI, and RH
- Read words containing the new phonograms, such as honey, early, juice, field, phase, guest, gnat, daughter, beige, rough, mission, comb, journey, special, and rhyme
Decoding (Structural Analysis)
- Decode multisyllabic words
- Read words with multiple suffixes, as in thankfully
- Read words with a variety of suffixes, including -ible, -able, -ance, -ence, -sion, -ic, -al, -ous, -ist, -ism, -ity, -ize, -ary, and -ery
- Read words containing unaccented syllables, as in pirate, Alaska, and doctor
- Read words with silent letters, as in half and comb
- Read with accuracy
- Read with meaningful expression
- Read with natural phrasing
- Discuss new words in the context of the story and one’s own life
- Explore varying dialects and regional language
- Understand homonyms and heteronyms
- Understand synonyms, antonyms, onomatopoeia, alliteration, idioms, personification, acronyms, and hyperbole
- Explore words containing influences from Greek, French, Spanish, and Italian
- Connect text to one's own experiences
- Read stories with alternating points of view
- Make predictions and inferences
- Compare and contrast main characters and stories
- Discuss main conflict and character transformation
- Skim for specific information
- Discuss shades of meaning
- Summarize the text
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